
Knowledge Sharing Series

MYO Pad the Girl Project: The Journey So Far
MYO Pad the Girl Project: The Journey So Far
Since its launch on May 26th, 2023, MYO Global’s “Pad the Girl” initiative has achieved remarkable success. The program was inaugurated at Dodowa Basic A School, where MYO Global, in collaboration with Hajia Nazifa, a health officer from Ga East Municipal Hospital, took the initiative to educate young girls on the importance of menstrual hygiene...
#BuuO’Forfor: MYO Global Offers Madina Market Women Free Health Screening And Family Planning Sensitization
#BuuO’Forfor: MYO Global Offers Madina Market Women Free Health Screening And Family Planning Sensitization
On Friday, October 27, 2023, the MYO Global Foundation and Ga East Municipal Hospital collaborated to provide a free health screening and family planning awareness event at the Madina Market. Prof. Douglas Boateng founded the non-profit MYO Global Foundation, which aims to empower youth in Ghana. “Create a world where every young person has the...
Treatment Options for Breast Cancer
Treatment Options for Breast Cancer
Breast cancer poses a significant challenge, impacting millions of individuals globally. Nonetheless, thanks to remarkable progress in medical science and technology, a wide array of treatment options is now at our disposal. Common treatment options include: Surgery Surgery is often the first line of treatment for localized breast cancer. There are two primary surgical options:...
Raising Breast Cancer Awareness: Empowering Lives through Knowledge
Raising Breast Cancer Awareness: Empowering Lives through Knowledge
Millions of individuals worldwide are affected by breast cancer, which is a widespread health problem. It is more than just a sickness; it is a struggle that brave women, and occasionally men, fight. The battle against breast cancer depends critically on early detection and awareness. The relevance of raising breast cancer awareness, its role in...
Understanding Breast Cancer And Its Risk Factors
Understanding Breast Cancer And Its Risk Factors
Breast cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the cells of the breast. It can occur in both men and women, although it is far more common in women. Breast cancer usually starts in the milk-producing glands (lobules) or the ducts that carry milk to the nipple. Over time, it can invade nearby...
Prostate Cancer Unraveled: Know the Facts, Stay Informed
Prostate Cancer Unraveled: Know the Facts, Stay Informed
September marks Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about the most common cancer in men. Prostate cancer affects millions worldwide, but with early detection and knowledge, we can make a significant impact on its prevention and treatment. In this blog post, we’ll explore what prostate cancer is, its risk factors, signs,...
Sustainability and the Youth: A Call to Action
Sustainability and the Youth: A Call to Action
In recent times, the urgency of adopting sustainable living practices has reached a critical level. With environmental challenges escalating, the youth of Ghana possess tremendous potential to lead the charge towards a more eco-friendly and sustainable future. This article delves into the significance of sustainable practices and explores the myriad ways in which young individuals...
Mentorship: A Lighthouse for the Youth
Mentorship: A Lighthouse for the Youth
Building an effective mentor-mentee relationship is important for personal and professional growth. A successful mentorship is built on mutual trust and a genuine desire to learn and grow. With the aim of building and living an amiable character that other people will like to learn from, it is crucial to look up to someone for...
Luxury Taxes: Ghanaian Youth Growing Desire for its Repeal on Sanitary Pads
Luxury Taxes: Ghanaian Youth Growing Desire for its Repeal on Sanitary Pads
Malawi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa—the list goes on when it comes to countries that have gone a step further in exempting sanitary pads and other menstrual products from taxation. Consequently, welcome to Ghana! One of the major barriers to managing menstrual hygiene in Ghana is the cost of menstrual products. While there have been calls...
Period Poverty
Period Poverty
Period poverty is a global issue affecting millions of girls and women worldwide. It is a situation in which individuals lack access to adequate menstrual hygiene products, education, and sanitation facilities. In Ghana, period poverty is a widespread problem that disproportionately affects girls and women living in poverty. In Ghana, menstrual hygiene management is often...
Professionalisation, Local Content Development, Industrialisation And Long-Term Economic Development: The Link

On April 21, 2023, at the Induction Ceremony organised by the Chartered Institute of Supply Chain Management, Prof. Douglas Boateng (also the founder and patron of MYO Global) was invited to speak at the event as the keynote speaker. His presentation was filled with in-depth knowledge of the field of supply chain management and its...

“Be cautious of procurement sourcing and develop positive mindset to promote indigenous markets!” – Prof. Douglas Boateng urges Ghanaians.

Speaking at the second edition of the Pan Africa Lecture organised at GIMPA in Accra, Professor Douglas Boateng, Board Chairman of the Minerals Income Investment Fund (MIIF) and Founder of PanAvest International and Partners, urged Ghanaians and Africans, in general, to be cautious of procurement sourcing and to develop a positive mindset toward promoting the...

Strategic Sourcing Is Key To Industrialisation In Africa.

Since the industrial revolution of the 19th century, countries around the world have continued to drive industrialisation as a core component of their socio-economic development. Notwithstanding significant industrialisation in African countries following independence, a continued lack of strong industries has resulted in a reliance on foreign imports, commodity exports, and a continuation of widespread unemployment,...

Insights into Negotiations: Purposive Business Negotiations Key to Beneficial Trade and the UNSDGs

Negotiations happen all around us. They occur every day in business, in the workplace, in politics and in any general situation where more than one outcome is possible and different parties have interests in those outcomes. Hence the need for negotiations to become a core competence among emerging world business leaders and policymakers. In business,...


👉🏿PROVERBS 11:25 is clear! Truth be told, you definitely get rewarded when you genuinely assist a fellow human being! A gentle reminder that not only those living in poverty need help! Due to amongst others “trust issues”, there are lots of “powerful, rich and relatively well-off citizenries ” that are amongst others very lonely, unhappy...

Directorships: Worthy rewards but be equally aware of the increasing legal and liability implications

The Board of directors as rightly pointed out by Charan R. Holcomb J.M. Useem M. are supposed to monitor and not manage. The role can be rewarding, challenging and also risky. Today, the relationship between board-level risks and rewards especially in publicly quoted companies and state-owned entities are ever-changing and under intense public scrutiny. Despite...

Insights into Directorships and the Boardroom To be or not to be a director: the big question for current and aspiring individuals!

A director according to the UK and South Africa’s Companies Acts, Dodd-Frank, King IV and Sarbanes-Oxley Reports is a person who by any title undertakes that role by offering relevant directional input and guidance. The Institute of Directors Ghana, best practice guide (pp.27) states that a director is “any person occupying the position of a...

Insights into Directorships and the Boardroom: Director accountability, duties of care, loyalty and independence

Directors of a board are entrusted with responsibilities and powers that are deemed essential to the overall success of the company. Hence the need as expressed by amongst others, Kaler J and King M for accountability, responsibility and governance to be linked. Accountability as succinctly pointed out by Fisher E, Kaler J, the Cadbury Dodd-Frank,...

Vaccine nationalism and my citizenry first please! A lesson for African political and Business leaders and Policy makers

Across Africa, governments continue to battle the effects of the second wave of the novel coronavirus infections and the COVID-19 disease. The continent has so far relatively escaped the cataclysmic consequences of the pandemic afflicting various societies around the globe. Ghana, which has recorded just under 70000 cases to date, is no different. Despite the...

Director accountability, governance and the beyond aid agenda: The inextricable link

Despite the positive economic growth and development in Ghana and selected countries in Africa, director accountability and governance continue to be a topical issue on the continent. Never before in the post-independence era has executive and non-executive directors face several accusations and challenges in relation  to their fiduciary accountability and governance duties in their respective...

Confidante, guide, organiser and supporter – The ever-important role of the company secretary

A company secretary forms an important part of an organisations’ management and supervisory functions and plays an essential role in facilitating good governance. Today, it is a requirement by law for all organisations operating under the Companies Act ( e.g. ACT 992-2019-Ghana ) to have a qualified and experienced company secretary. The company secretary may...

Composition and structuring is key to governance success

The board is responsible for protecting shareholders’  interests, providing oversight and also making decisions that are in the best interest of its stakeholders.  Through independence of judgement, its duly authorised members are expected to provide thought-leading knowledge, expertise and experience to the board.  According to various Companies Acts (including Ghana’s ACT 992), members of the...

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MYO is an all-inclusive, nonpartisan and not for profit organisation aimed at helping to shape and build the DESIRED FUTURE through shared-responsibility.
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MYOQuick Contact
MYO is an all-inclusive, nonpartisan and not for profit organisation aimed at helping to shape and build the DESIRED FUTURE through shared-responsibility.
Connect with us on our social media platforms

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© 2023 All rights reserved | MyFUTURE, YourFUTURE, OurFUTURE